Las vacaciones son maravillosas. Despertarse sin prisas,
tarde, sin el sonido del reloj, sin presiones horarias… es uno de los mayores
placeres de Barbie.
Ayer trasnochó y esta mañana se pone en contacto con su
pandilla de amigas a través de whatssApp, mensajes… y comentan lo bien que lo
pasaron la noche anterior.
Aprovecha para prepararse el café de la mañana con tostadas...
eso sí… sin soltar el móvil.
Como la mañana es alegre y luminosa decide desayunar en el
porche de su casa. En primavera y en vacaciones es el momento perfecto para
disfrutar del primer café en un entorno natural y con una temperatura tan
The unhurried pleasure of waking up
Holidays are wonderful. Waking unhurried afternoon, without the sound of the clock, no time pressures ... is one of the greatest pleasures of Barbie.
Yesterday she went to bed very late and this morning she gets in touch with her gang of friends through whatssApp, posts ... and comment on how well it went last night.
She takes to prepare the morning coffee and toast ... yes ... without releasing phone.
As the morning is bright and cheerful, she decides to have breakfast on the front porch. In spring and holiday is the perfect time to enjoy the first coffee in a natural environment with a temperature so nice.
Holidays are wonderful. Waking unhurried afternoon, without the sound of the clock, no time pressures ... is one of the greatest pleasures of Barbie.
Yesterday she went to bed very late and this morning she gets in touch with her gang of friends through whatssApp, posts ... and comment on how well it went last night.
She takes to prepare the morning coffee and toast ... yes ... without releasing phone.
As the morning is bright and cheerful, she decides to have breakfast on the front porch. In spring and holiday is the perfect time to enjoy the first coffee in a natural environment with a temperature so nice.