El mes de enero es uno de los más complicados para Barbie,
ya que a la subida de precios de muchos de los servicios, tiene que añadir los
gastos extras que ha realizado en Navidades. Pero la cuesta de enero se le
complica con la de febrero porque también ha comprado mucho aprovechando las
rebajas de temporada…
Cada final de mes Barbie hace números y se percata que
siempre cierra el mes en números rojos. Ella, como muchos, también sufre la
cuesta de enero que se alarga varios meses…
Barbie hace números de los gastos de este mes que se acaba.
Ya ni se acuerda a qué compras pertenece cada tiquet y llama a Ken para que le ayude
con sus finanzas.
Desde el otro lado del teléfono Ken quiere tranquilizarla y
le aconseja un consumo responsable. Le recuerda que con un presupuesto
calculado casi hasta el último euro, cualquier imprevisto trastoca su economía
y se transforma en números rojos en la cuenta ...
Barbie respira más tranquila porque gracias a los consejos
de Ken podrá decir adiós a sus números rojos y disfrutar de su color favorito
en la decoración de su casa y en su ropa...
The slope of January, February ...
The month of January is one of the most complicated to Barbie as the rising prices of many of the services she need to add the extra expenses she made on Christmas. But the costs of January is complicated by February because much advantage has also purchased seasonal sales ...
Every month end numbers Barbie ago and realizes that always closes the month in the red. She, like many, also suffers January slope that stretches several months ...Barbie makes spending numbers that ends this month. She does not even remember what part each ticket purchases and calls to Ken for help with her finances.
From the other end of the phone Ken wants to reassure and advise her responsible purchasing.. Reminds her with an estimated budget almost to the last euro, any unexpected upsets and transformed its economy into the red in the account ...
Barbie breathe quieter because thanks to the advice of Ken can say goodbye to her red numbers and enjoy her favorite color in decorating her house and on her clothes ...
The month of January is one of the most complicated to Barbie as the rising prices of many of the services she need to add the extra expenses she made on Christmas. But the costs of January is complicated by February because much advantage has also purchased seasonal sales ...
Every month end numbers Barbie ago and realizes that always closes the month in the red. She, like many, also suffers January slope that stretches several months ...Barbie makes spending numbers that ends this month. She does not even remember what part each ticket purchases and calls to Ken for help with her finances.
From the other end of the phone Ken wants to reassure and advise her responsible purchasing.. Reminds her with an estimated budget almost to the last euro, any unexpected upsets and transformed its economy into the red in the account ...
Barbie breathe quieter because thanks to the advice of Ken can say goodbye to her red numbers and enjoy her favorite color in decorating her house and on her clothes ...