El verano está llegando a su fin pero Barbie ha aprovechado al máximo sus vacaciones estivales porque ella es de las que cada verano repite unos rituales que no se salta y que disfruta al máximo.
Barbie todos los veranos coge su jeep y se escapa por los montes. Respirar aire puro, sentirse libre y pasear entre la naturaleza convierten estas escapadas en esenciales de su verano.
A mediados de verano las tiendas se llenan de prendas de invierno y Barbie siempre termina comprando ropa que no se va a poner hasta dentro de dos meses.
Barbie se pregunta por qué se compra un abrigo de piel con 40 grados pero ella quiere ser la primera que lo tiene en su armario y para ella la moda no es lo que lleva puesto, sino lo que quiere llevar puesto. Le pasa lo mismo con los zapatos.
Aunque siente debilidad por el calzado en general, sus preferidos son los botines y por eso le fue imposible resistirse a comprarse unos botines de flecos. Con estas altas temperaturas es difícil estrenar el abrigo de piel pero sí se decide a estrenar los botines con un caluroso vestido veraniego.
Eso sí disfruta de sus botines con un relajante paseo por el puerto con su mascota intentando exprimir al máximo estos últimos días de verano.
Barbie disfruta de las olas y el sol con el surf. Junto con Ken comparte una filosofía de vida que está íntimamente relacionada con el contacto con la naturaleza y la comunicación con el medio.
Para ella surfear es más que coger una tabla, soltarse la melena y pasear por la playa. Es toda una experiencia.
Pero si hay algo que Barbie ha añadido a sus básicos del verano es la moda de los selfies. Los selfies están más de moda que nunca y ahora, con los palos extensibles o selfie stick,ya no hay límites para sacarse fotos con amigos. Los selfies invaden el verano de Barbie.

Barbie’s summer rituals
Summer is coming to an end but Barbie has maximized her summer holidays because it is one that she repeats every summer rituals and she enjoys the most.
Barbie every summer takes her jeep and escapes through the mountains. Breathe fresh air, feel free and walk among nature makes these breaks in their summer essential.
By mid-summer the shops are full of winter clothes and Barbie always ends up buying clothes that are not going to get another two months. Barbie asks why a fur coat purchased 40 degrees but she wants to be the first one to have in her closet and her fashion is not what she wears but what she wants to wear.
She's the same with shoes. Although weakness for shoes in general are her favorite boots and so she was impossible to resist purchased fringed booties. With these high temperatures is difficult brand new fur coat but she decides to release the spoils with a summer dress. Yes, she enjoys her boots with a relaxing stroll along the harbor with her pet trying to squeeze the most of these last days of summer.
Barbie enjoying the waves and sun with surf. Along with Ken shares a philosophy of life that is closely related to the contact with nature and communicating with the media. For them surfing is more to take a table, let their hair down and walk on the beach. It is an experience.
But if something Barbie has added to her basic summer fashion is the selfies. The selfies are more fashionable than ever and now with selfie extendable stick or sticks, there are no limits to take pictures with friends. The selfies invade the summer of Barbie.
Summer is coming to an end but Barbie has maximized her summer holidays because it is one that she repeats every summer rituals and she enjoys the most.
Barbie every summer takes her jeep and escapes through the mountains. Breathe fresh air, feel free and walk among nature makes these breaks in their summer essential.
By mid-summer the shops are full of winter clothes and Barbie always ends up buying clothes that are not going to get another two months. Barbie asks why a fur coat purchased 40 degrees but she wants to be the first one to have in her closet and her fashion is not what she wears but what she wants to wear.
She's the same with shoes. Although weakness for shoes in general are her favorite boots and so she was impossible to resist purchased fringed booties. With these high temperatures is difficult brand new fur coat but she decides to release the spoils with a summer dress. Yes, she enjoys her boots with a relaxing stroll along the harbor with her pet trying to squeeze the most of these last days of summer.
Barbie enjoying the waves and sun with surf. Along with Ken shares a philosophy of life that is closely related to the contact with nature and communicating with the media. For them surfing is more to take a table, let their hair down and walk on the beach. It is an experience.
But if something Barbie has added to her basic summer fashion is the selfies. The selfies are more fashionable than ever and now with selfie extendable stick or sticks, there are no limits to take pictures with friends. The selfies invade the summer of Barbie.